Find the sum of 4.06 × 1019 and 5.034 × 1017.

a 4.11034 × 1019
b 9.094 × 1019
c 4.11034 × 1036
d 9.094 × 1036

To find the sum of 4.06 × 10^19 and 5.034 × 10^17, we need to add the numbers together. However, we need to make sure that we have the same exponent for both numbers.

Starting with 4.06 × 10^19, we can rewrite it as 406 × 10^17 (since 10^19 is equivalent to multiplying by 10^2).

Now we can add 406 × 10^17 to 5.034 × 10^17:

406 × 10^17 + 5.034 × 10^17 = 411.034 × 10^17

So the sum is 4.11034 × 10^19.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a) 4.11034 × 10^19.