19 We are all the dream come true of the people

20 who came before us.
In your own words, discuss what Woodson means.

In these two statements, Woodson is referring to the idea that our achievements and successes in life are built upon the progress and efforts made by those who came before us. He suggests that the dreams and aspirations of previous generations have paved the way for us to be where we are today.

Woodson implies that our accomplishments are not solely attributed to our own individual efforts, but also to the collective wisdom, struggles, and victories of our predecessors. The dreams and goals they had for themselves, their families, and their communities have played a significant role in shaping the opportunities and possibilities we have today.

Furthermore, Woodson's statement highlights the interconnectedness of generations and the concept of societal progress. He acknowledges that the achievements and advancements we enjoy now are directly tied to the hard work, sacrifice, and vision of those who came before us. Through their dreams, they have created a foundation upon which we can continue to dream, innovate, and push the boundaries of what was previously thought possible.

Ultimately, Woodson's words remind us to be grateful for the legacies and contributions of those who have paved the way for us. It encourages us to honor their dreams and aspirations by continuously striving to create a better future for the generations that follow us.