19 We are all the dream come true of the people

20 who came before us.
In your own words, discuss what Woodson says in paragraphs 19 and 20.

In paragraphs 19 and 20, Woodson emphasizes the significance of the people who came before us and their dreams. He suggests that our existence and achievements today are a direct result of the dreams and aspirations of those who lived before us.

Woodson indicates that our lives are the fruition of the hopes and visions cherished by previous generations. Through our accomplishments, we embody the dreams that others had for themselves and future generations. This perspective highlights the interconnectedness of generations and the idea that individuals are not isolated, but rather part of a larger collective.

Woodson's statements also imply that our success and progress should not only be attributed to our own efforts but also to the past sacrifices and struggles endured by our forebears. Their dreams and aspirations paved the way for us to enjoy the opportunities and privileges we have today. He implies a sense of gratitude and responsibility towards those who came before us, suggesting that we should appreciate the progress they made and continue to strive for advancement in honor of their legacy.

Overall, Woodson's message in these paragraphs emphasizes the intergenerational nature of progress and the notion that we are indebted to the dreams and accomplishments of those who preceded us. He encourages us to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of our predecessors, while also motivating us to continue their legacy of striving for greater achievements in the future.