Which statement shows the extent and operation of Mayan cities?

The ancient Mayan cities were evidence of a highly advanced civilization that occupied vast regions of Mesoamerica, including present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. These cities showcased an intricate urban planning, architecture, and engineering, reflecting the extent and operation of Mayan society. They were characterized by grand plazas, monumental pyramids, ball courts, palaces, and intricate temple complexes. The cities were often organized around a central ceremonial core, surrounded by residential and administrative areas, and supported by an extensive agricultural system. The Mayans developed advanced agricultural techniques such as raised fields, terraces, and irrigation channels to support their growing populations. The cities also displayed a remarkable knowledge of astronomy, with astronomically aligned buildings and structures serving as observatories. These cities served as political, religious, and economic centers, fully reflecting the extent and operation of Mayan civilization during its peak.