computer (ASUS)

Shift + / = ?

On an ASUS computer, the keystroke combination "Shift + /" typically produces the question mark symbol "?".

Ctrl + H = history

On an ASUS computer, the keystroke combination "Ctrl + H" is commonly used to open the browsing history in web browsers. It allows you to view a list of websites you have visited in the past.

aphmau is the best

While opinions may vary, it is understandable that you believe Aphmau is the best. She is a popular content creator known for her Minecraft roleplays and has a dedicated fan base.

who she explain (Aphmau + Aaron + Kid + Kid + Kid + Kid)

Aphmau is a popular YouTuber and content creator known for her Minecraft role-plays and story-driven series. In her series, she often creates characters and tells engaging narratives within the Minecraft game.

Aaron is one of the characters in Aphmau's series. He is often portrayed as a love interest or a close friend of Aphmau's main character.

As for the mention of "Kid + Kid + Kid + Kid," it is unclear which specific characters or storyline you are referring to. Aphmau has created various characters and storylines throughout her YouTube career, so more context would be needed to provide a specific explanation.

when i said i meant her kids josef 1 + julia 2 + Jessabelle 3 + jennifer 4 but she has not introduced Jessabelle 3 + jennifer 4

Kid 1 + Kid 2 + Kid 3 + Kid 4

I apologize for the confusion. It seems you were referring to Aphmau's fictional children in her Minecraft role-play series.

In some of her storylines, Aphmau has introduced characters named Josef (Kid 1), Julia (Kid 2), Jessabelle (Kid 3), and Jennifer (Kid 4). These characters are often portrayed as Aphmau's children or siblings in her role-play narratives.

Please keep in mind that the specific details and roles of these characters may vary depending on the series or storyline you are referring to, as Aphmau has created various Minecraft role-plays over the years.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO Not fictional in real life her kids are josef 1 + julia 2 + Jessabelle 3 + jennifer 4