Give examples from the call of the wild to prove how the only strongest to survive relates to Darwin‘s theory, natural selection

1) In The Call of the Wild, the character of Buck, a domesticated dog, is forced to adapt and survive in the harsh environment of the Yukon during the Gold Rush. Through encounters with more experienced and ruthless sled dogs, Buck quickly learns that only the strongest and most resilient individuals survive in this brutal setting, aligning with Darwin's theory of natural selection.

2) One example is when Buck first arrives in the North, where he witnesses the fierceness and brutality of the environment firsthand. He observes how weaker and less adaptable dogs struggle to find food and protect themselves. Buck quickly realizes that in order to endure and thrive, he must become stronger and embrace his primal instincts. This highlights the central theme of survival of the fittest in accordance with Darwin's theory.

3) Another example can be seen through the character of Spitz, the lead sled dog in Buck's new pack. Spitz is shown to be cunning, aggressive, and dominant, which allows him to assert control over the other dogs. Buck realizes he must challenge and overcome Spitz to assert his own dominance and ensure his survival. This struggle between the two dogs exemplifies the concept of natural selection, as the strongest and most skilled fighter ultimately prevails.

4) Additionally, as Buck spends more time in the wild, he further adapts and changes physically and mentally. He grows a thicker coat, develops sharper senses, and becomes more skilled in hunting and survival tactics. These changes demonstrate how only the strongest and most adaptable individuals are able to thrive and pass on their traits to subsequent generations, supporting Darwin's theory of natural selection.

Overall, The Call of the Wild illustrates the principle of "survival of the fittest" as advocated by Darwin's theory of natural selection. The story follows Buck's transformation from a domesticated dog to a wild and resilient creature, showcasing how only the strongest individuals can endure and succeed in challenging environments.