14) What textual evidence can you provide to support your answer to the previous question? (1 point 'Fricket is similar in many ways to the game of cricket, but it is played with a flying disc rather than a ball.'' ''A fricket team requires only four players, so our prospect of finding enough players is looking bright.'' "I know from personal experience that they will quickly be hooked on this exciting game!"' ''He wants the most talented cricket players in school to form a new fricket team ''

The textual evidence to support the previous answer can be found in the following quotes:

- "Fricket is similar in many ways to the game of cricket, but it is played with a flying disc rather than a ball." This quote compares fricket to cricket, indicating that they are similar in many ways.
- "A fricket team requires only four players, so our prospect of finding enough players is looking bright." This quote implies that a fricket team only needs four players, which suggests it is easier to form a team compared to cricket.
- "I know from personal experience that they will quickly be hooked on this exciting game!" This quote suggests that the speaker has personal experience playing fricket and believes others will enjoy playing it as well.
- "He wants the most talented cricket players in school to form a new fricket team." This quote indicates that the person mentioned prefers skilled cricket players to join the fricket team, implying a connection between the two sports.