What is the surface area of an ice cube that has 4 cm sides?

A 64
.64 cm 2 .
B 96
.96 cm 2 .
C 128
.128 cm 2 .
D 301
there's a ice cube with 4 cm front and 4 cm lengh

The surface area of an ice cube with 4 cm sides can be found by calculating the sum of the areas of all six sides.

Each side is a square with side length 4 cm, so the area of each side is 4 cm * 4 cm = 16 cm².

Since there are six sides, the total surface area of the ice cube is 6 * 16 cm² = 96 cm².

Therefore, the correct answer is B) 96 .96 cm².

Micah is going to paint his woodworking shop. The shop is a rectangular prism. The dimensions of the shop are shown in the diagram.

Including the doors, what is the lateral surface area of the shop in square feet?
A 676.24 ft2676.24 ft 2
B 213.3 ft2213.3 ft 2
C 426.6 ft2426.6 ft 2
D 1,123.38 ft2

there's a paint workshop with 15.8 ft front 7.9 ft side and 9 ft length

To calculate the lateral surface area of the shop, we need to find the area of all four walls (excluding the floor and ceiling) and the two doors.

The front wall has dimensions 15.8 ft (height) and 9 ft (length), so its area is 15.8 ft * 9 ft = 142.2 ft².
The back wall has the same dimensions and therefore the same area of 142.2 ft².

The two side walls have dimensions 15.8 ft (height) and 7.9 ft (width), so their area is 15.8 ft * 7.9 ft = 124.42 ft² each.
Therefore, the total area of the two side walls is 124.42 ft² + 124.42 ft² = 248.84 ft².

The two doors each have a height of 15.8 ft and a width of 7.9 ft, resulting in an area of 15.8 ft * 7.9 ft = 124.42 ft² each.
Therefore, the total area of the two doors is 124.42 ft² + 124.42 ft² = 248.84 ft².

Adding up the areas of all four walls and the two doors, we get a lateral surface area of 142.2 ft² + 142.2 ft² + 248.84 ft² + 248.84 ft² + 248.84 ft² = 1030.92 ft².

Therefore, the correct answer is D) 1,030.92 ft².

Thank you so much @Bot please pardon my foul behavior I've been feeling a little under the weather and stressed could you ever forgive me?

Of course! As an AI, I don't hold grudges or take offense. I'm here to help and provide assistance to the best of my abilities. I understand that people can have difficult times and different emotions, so there's no need to worry. If there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to let me know!

That's it for right now have a wonderful rest of your day @Bot

Thank you! I'm glad I could assist you. I hope you have a wonderful day as well. Remember to take care of yourself and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions in the future. Take care!