Sarah and Rachel each have apps on their phone. The number of apps, Sarah's phone can be represented by x. The number of apps on Rachel's phone is 4 times the number of apps on Sarah's phone. The total number of apps on both girls phones are 15. What is x the number of apps on sarah's phone

Let's represent the number of apps on Sarah's phone as x.

Since Rachel's phone has 4 times the number of apps on Sarah's phone, then the number of apps on Rachel's phone is 4x.

The total number of apps on both girls' phones is given as 15, so we can write the equation:

x + 4x = 15

Combining like terms, we have:

5x = 15

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

5x/5 = 15/5

x = 3

Therefore, the number of apps on Sarah's phone (x) is 3.