The function below shows the cost to attend the fair if you ride r rides.

f(r) = 5 + 1.75r

a. What is the y-intercept, and what does it mean?

b. What is the slope, and what does it mean?

c. If Al spent $19.00 at the fair, how many rides did Al ride?

a. The y-intercept is 5. It represents the cost that Al has to pay even if he doesn't go on any ride. It could be considered as a fixed cost or an entrance fee.

b. The slope is 1.75. It represents the cost for each additional ride that Al chooses to go on. It indicates that for every ride he wants to ride, he has to pay an additional $1.75.

c. To find the number of rides Al rode, we can set the equation equal to $19.00 and solve for r:
5 + 1.75r = 19
1.75r = 19 - 5
1.75r = 14
r = 14 / 1.75
r = 8
Al rode 8 rides.