Find the amount in a continuously compounded account for the following condition.

​Principal, ​$4000​; Annual interest​ rate, 5.7​%; ​time, 2 years
The balance after 2 years is $

To find the balance after 2 years in a continuously compounded account, we use the formula:

A = P * e^(rt)

A is the final balance.
P is the principal amount.
e is Euler's number (approximately 2.71828).
r is the annual interest rate (expressed as a decimal).
t is the time in years.

Using the provided information:
P = $4000
r = 0.057 (5.7% expressed as a decimal)
t = 2

A = 4000 * e^(0.057 * 2)

Using a calculator or math software:

A ≈ $4480.584

Therefore, the balance after 2 years is approximately $4480.584.