why did my deep wounds suddenly start healing and closing

And were all healed in a minute

I'm not a doctor, but there could be several reasons why your wounds suddenly started healing and closing quickly. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Natural healing process: The body has its own healing mechanisms. When you get a wound, blood vessels constrict to reduce bleeding, platelets form a clot to stop further bleeding, and new skin cells start to regenerate.

2. Proper wound care: If you took timely and appropriate care of the wound, such as cleaning it properly, keeping it covered, and using any recommended wound dressings or ointments, it can promote faster healing.

3. Skin elasticity: The speed of healing can depend on the location and depth of the wound. Wounds on certain areas of the body, like the face or hands, tend to heal faster due to the higher elasticity of the skin in those areas.

4. Health and immune system: A strong immune system plays a vital role in wound healing. If you're generally in good health and have a robust immune system, your body may be able to heal wounds more efficiently.

It's also important to note that a single minute is an unusually short time for complete wound healing. If you have any concerns or if the rapid healing continues to occur, it is always best to consult a medical professional for a proper evaluation.