Examples of sentences with suffixes and underline the suffixe

1. She works tirelessly to achieve her goals. (suffix: -less)

2. The actress transformed into a witch for the role. (suffix: -ed)
3. My friend organized the event single-handedly. (suffix: -ly)
4. The book was filled with excitement and suspense. (suffix: -ment)
5. The runner was disqualified for his unsportsmanlike behavior. (suffix: -like)
6. The teacher emphasized the importance of punctuality. (suffix: -ed)
7. The hikers were awe-struck by the breathtaking view. (suffix: -ing)
8. The singer's voice was beautiful and melodious. (suffix: -ous)
9. The football player's injury was career-ending. (suffix: -ing)
10. The scientist conducted an in-depth analysis of the data. (suffix: -depth)