Prairie Street is 3 7/8 miles long. Plains Avenue is 3 5/10 miles long. Ellis rides his bike the length of both Prairie Street and Plains Avenue. How many total miles does he ride?(1 point)


7 3/8
7 Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction
Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction
6 7/12
6 Start Fraction 7 over 12 End Fraction
6 3/8

To find the total distance Ellis rides, we need to add the lengths of Prairie Street and Plains Avenue together.

First, we need to convert the lengths to a common denominator.

3 7/8 miles = 3 + 7/8 = 3 14/8 = 4 6/8 miles
3 5/10 miles = 3 + 5/10 = 3 1/2 miles

Now we can add the lengths together:

4 6/8 miles + 3 1/2 miles = 7 7/8 miles

Therefore, Ellis rides a total of 7 7/8 miles.