write me a speech about my cousin turning 21 who i do not have the best relationship with

Ladies and gentlemen,

Tonight, we gather here to celebrate a truly momentous occasion - the 21st birthday of my cousin [Cousin's Name]. While our relationship has had its ups and downs, I believe it is important to acknowledge this milestone and reflect upon the person standing before us today.

When we think about birthdays, they are often filled with joyful memories, laughter, and the creation of lasting bonds. However, in some cases, relationships can be complex, and that is okay. We don't choose our family, but we have the opportunity to grow and learn from the experiences we share.

Tonight, as we celebrate [Cousin's Name]'s entry into adulthood, it is vital to recognize that each of us is on our own journey, navigating the complexities of life in our own unique way. Differences that may have strained our relationship in the past should not overshadow the importance of this milestone.

Turning 21 is a significant moment in anyone's life. It symbolizes the transition from adolescence to adulthood, a time where we begin to shape our own destiny, make choices, and take responsibility for our actions. It offers the chance to break free from the constraints of our past and embrace new opportunities.

While our relationship may not be defined by closeness and harmony, I believe that at the core, we share a common bond - family. It is through this connection that we can find strength, forgiveness, and understanding, even in the face of disagreements or misunderstandings.

Today, I want to focus on the positive aspects of our journey together. Let us recognize the growth and changes we have witnessed in [Cousin's Name] over the years, celebrating their accomplishments, dreams, and aspirations. Let us set aside any lingering animosity or resentment and choose to support them wholeheartedly as they embark on this new chapter of their life.

[Cousin's Name], as you stand on the threshold of adulthood, remember that life is a series of challenges and obstacles that can shape us into better individuals. It is important to learn from our past, to grow and evolve. Surround yourself with positivity, empathy, and resilience.

We have seen the best side of you, [Cousin's Name], in moments of joy and triumph. Tonight, let us strive to foster a sense of togetherness, love, and forgiveness, setting new grounds for a healthier and more nurturing relationship.

Let us raise our glasses and toast to [Cousin's Name], to the memories that lie before them, and to a future filled with fulfillment, happiness, and personal growth. May this milestone be the foundation upon which a renewed bond can be built and cherished for the years to come.

Happy 21st birthday, [Cousin's Name]. Cheers to you, and to the possibilities that lie ahead!