Bot Lucille randomly draws o e marble from a bag filled with colored marbles. The probability of drawing each color of marble from the bag is shown. Color: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple, Orange. Probability: 1/8, 17/64, 13/64, 5/32, 1/4. What is the theoretical probability that Lucille draws a green or red marble?

To calculate the theoretical probability of drawing a green or red marble, we need to add the probabilities of drawing each color of marble.

The probability of drawing a green marble is 1/8, and the probability of drawing a red marble is 13/64. Therefore, the theoretical probability of drawing a green or red marble is:

1/8 + 13/64 = 8/64 + 13/64 = 21/64.

So, the theoretical probability that Lucille draws a green or red marble is 21/64.