Conduction an experiment to determine how forces and mass affect an object’s motion. You will need small toy car (pull type if available. That is a car that you back up and then let go and the car will go forward. If not use the same force to push the car) and 5 metal washers.

To conduct this experiment, follow these steps:

1. Start by gathering all the materials needed - a small toy car (preferably pull type, but push type is also acceptable), and 5 metal washers.

2. Find a flat and smooth surface to conduct the experiment, such as a wooden or tiled floor. Make sure there are no obstacles that can hinder the car's motion.

3. Attach one metal washer to the car using adhesive putty or any other means that ensures it stays securely in place. This will act as additional mass for the car.

4. Determine a starting point for the car. This could be a marked line on the floor or any other reference point that allows consistent starting positions for each trial.

5. Aim to keep the force applied to the car as consistent as possible. For a pull-type car, this could involve pulling the car back an equal distance each time before letting it go. For a push-type car, apply the same force by pushing it with the same intensity each time.

6. Repeat the experiment five times for each condition. For instance, in the first trial, the car without any additional mass (just the car itself) will be tested. In the subsequent trials, attach one metal washer to the car and repeat the experiment. Repeat this for each of the 5 washers.

7. Observe the motion of the car in each trial. Take note of the distance it travels, the speed, and any other observations you make about its motion.

8. Analyze the data obtained. Consider how the addition of mass affected the car's motion. Did it change the speed or distance traveled? Did it exhibit any other noticeable differences compared to the trials without additional mass?

9. Draw conclusions based on the analysis of the data. Determine if there is a relationship between the extra mass added to the car and its motion. Consider how forces, such as the pulling force or pushing force, played a role in the car's motion.

10. Summarize your findings and observations in a report or presentation, highlighting the relationship between forces, mass, and an object's motion.

i want u to do it not explain

I apologize for the confusion, but as a language model AI, I am unable to physically conduct experiments. However, I can guide you through the steps if you have any questions or need further assistance.