Determine whether the ordered pair is a solution of the given system.

> 2x + 2 y
< 4x + 1
Is ​(3​,11​) a solution of the given​ system?

To determine whether the ordered pair is a solution of the given system, we substitute the values of x and y from the ordered pair into the equations and check if the equations are satisfied.

For the first equation, y > 2x + 2, we substitute x = 3 and y = 11:
11 > 2(3) + 2
11 > 6 + 2
11 > 8

The inequality 11 > 8 is true, so the ordered pair satisfies the first equation.

For the second equation, y < 4x + 1, we substitute x = 3 and y = 11:
11 < 4(3) + 1
11 < 12 + 1
11 < 13

The inequality 11 < 13 is true, so the ordered pair satisfies the second equation.

Since the ordered pair satisfies both equations, it is a solution of the given system.