A recipe for fruit salad calls for 1 1/8 cups of blueberries and 2 3/4 cups of strawberries. How many cups of blueberries and strawberries are needed in the recipe?(1 point)

To find the total amount of blueberries and strawberries needed in the recipe, we add the quantities: 1 1/8 cups + 2 3/4 cups.

We need to compute the sum of 1 1/8 and 2 3/4.

To do this, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions 1/8 and 3/4, which is 8.

Then we convert 1 to an eighth by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 8: 1 x 8/8 = 8/8

Now, our expression is 8/8 + 1 1/8, which we can rewrite as 8/8 + 9/8.

Adding the fractions, we have: 8/8 + 9/8 = (8 + 9) / 8 = 17/8

We can simplify 17/8 by dividing the numerator by the denominator: 17 ÷ 8 = 2 remainder 1

So, the mixed number equivalent of 17/8 is 2 1/8.

Therefore, the recipe requires 2 1/8 cups of blueberries and strawberries combined.