Which best describes the Stamp Act?(1 point)


It forced Americans to purchase only British products.
It forced Americans to purchase only British products.

It put a tax on products such as newspapers, dice, legal documents, and playing cards.
It put a tax on products such as newspapers, dice, legal documents, and playing cards.

It forbade colonists from settling lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.
It forbade colonists from settling lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

It forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers at their own expense.
It forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers at their own expense.

It put a tax on products such as newspapers, dice, legal documents, and playing cards.

On a timeline about the American Revolution, which event would be listed immediately before the Treaty of Paris?(1 point)


the Battles of Lexington and Concord
the Battles of Lexington and Concord

the Battle of Bunker Hill
the Battle of Bunker Hill

the Siege of Yorktown
the Siege of Yorktown

the Declaration of Independence

the Siege of Yorktown

Which group immediately benefited the most from the American Revolution?(1 point)


Black Americans
Black Americans

White nonlandowning males
White nonlandowning males



White nonlandowning males

Absolute rulers claimed which of the following?(1 point)


that they had absolute political authority
that they had absolute political authority

that there should be absolutely no restrictions on trade
that there should be absolutely no restrictions on trade

that all people had an absolute right to free speech
that all people had an absolute right to free speech

that the right of the people to freedom of religion was absolute

that they had absolute political authority

Which of the following events contributed to the emergence of independence movements in Latin America?(1 point)


the American Civil War
the American Civil War

the Industrial Revolution
the Industrial Revolution

adoption of the English Bill of Rights
adoption of the English Bill of Rights

the French Revolution

the French Revolution

Which idea had the greatest influence on the Haitian independence movement?(1 point)


free trade
free trade

freedom from excessive taxation
freedom from excessive taxation

religious rights
religious rights
