Figure this out for me I have 3/7 slices of pizza, I get another pizza with 4/8 how much do I have

Make it a real life example

To add fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 7x8 = 56.

Now, let's convert the first fraction to have a denominator of 56:
3/7 * 8/8 = 24/56

And for the second fraction:
4/8 = 28/56

Now, we can sum up the fractions:
24/56 + 28/56 = 52/56

Therefore, you have a total of 52/56 slices of pizza.

Sure! Let's say you have three slices out of a total of seven slices from one pizza. Then you get another pizza that has four slices out of a total of eight slices.

To figure out how many slices you have in total, you need to consider the total number of slices from both pizzas. The first pizza has seven slices, and the second pizza has eight slices.

So, in this real-life example, you have a total of seven slices from the first pizza and eight slices from the second pizza. Therefore, you have a total of 15 slices of pizza.