A tree is 56 feet tall and casts a 38 foot shadow. A person standing next to the tree is 5 feet tall. How long is their shadow? What does s equal and what is the proportion?

To find the length of the person's shadow, we can set up a proportion based on the triangle formed by the person, the tree, and their respective shadows.

The proportion can be set up as follows:
(person's height) / (person's shadow length) = (tree's height) / (tree's shadow length)

Let's denote the person's shadow length as s.

Plugging in the given values, the proportion becomes:
5 / s = 56 / 38

To find the length of the person's shadow, we cross-multiply and solve for s:
5 * 38 = 56 * s
190 = 56s

Divide both sides of the equation by 56:
190 / 56 = s
s ≈ 3.393

Therefore, the person's shadow is approximately 3.393 feet long.