A tree is 56 feet tall and casts a 38 foot shadow. A person standing next to the tree is 5 feet tall. How long is their shadow? What does x equal and what is the proportion?

To find the length of the person's shadow, we can set up a proportion using the height and shadow length of the tree and the height of the person.

Let's call the length of the person's shadow "s".

The proportion would be:

(tree height)/(tree shadow length) = (person height)/(person shadow length)

So, we can substitute the given values into the proportion:

56/38 = 5/s

To solve for "s", we can cross-multiply and solve the resulting equation:

56s = 38 * 5
56s = 190

Dividing both sides by 56, we find the length of the person's shadow:

s = 190/56 ≈ 3.39 feet

Therefore, the person's shadow is approximately 3.39 feet long.

To determine what does "x" equal and what the proportion is, we need more information or an additional equation or context. The given problem does not provide any specific details about "x" or any other variables.