I need a section for a policy against a child, Ryan, that states being kind and respectful to ALL teammates, even Paul

Policy Against Discrimination: Promoting Kindness and Respect towards All Teammates

At our organization, we strive to foster an inclusive and supportive environment where every child feels valued and respected as a member of the team. We equally emphasize kindness and respect towards all teammates, including Paul, who might have faced discrimination or exclusion in the past. This policy aims to create a safe and nurturing space for everyone involved.

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all team members, including Ryan, understand the importance of treating each other with kindness and respect, irrespective of their differences or personal experiences. By adhering to this policy, we aim to nurture a strong sense of camaraderie, build meaningful relationships, and foster a collaborative team spirit.

2. Policy Statement:
It is the responsibility of all team members to treat each other with kindness, understanding, and respect at all times. No form of discrimination, bullying, or exclusionary behavior towards any individual, including Paul, will be tolerated. All participants are expected to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated for their unique contributions.

3. Scope:
This policy applies to all individuals involved in any team-related activities, including but not limited to team meetings, practices, competitions, and social events. It is the duty of each member, including Ryan, to comply with this policy in all team-related interactions.

4. Responsibilities:
4.1. Coaches and Adult Supervisors:
Coaches and adult supervisors hold the responsibility of enforcing this policy, ensuring that all team members, including Ryan, are aware of their obligations. They should lead by example, promoting kindness and respect while addressing any incidents of discrimination or disrespectful behavior promptly and appropriately.

4.2. Parents and Guardians:
Parents or guardians of all team members, especially Ryan, should support and reinforce this policy by encouraging their child to treat every teammate, including Paul, with kindness, respect, and empathy. They should actively engage in discussions on inclusivity and the consequences of discriminatory behavior.

4.3. Team Members:
All team members, including Ryan, are responsible for adhering to this policy by treating each other equally and respectfully. They should actively challenge any discriminatory actions, report incidents of discrimination or exclusionary behavior, and strive to create a supportive and inclusive team environment.

5. Consequences:
Any violation of this policy will be taken seriously, and appropriate action will be implemented by the organization. Consequences for non-compliance may include disciplinary measures such as warnings, suspensions, removal from the team, or involvement of parents/guardians for further resolution. The severity of the action will be determined based on the nature and frequency of the offense.

6. Reporting Procedure:
In the event of witnessing or experiencing any discriminatory behavior or acts contrary to this policy, team members, parents, or guardians are encouraged to report the incident to the designated coach, adult supervisor, or relevant authority promptly. Confidentiality and non-retaliation will be ensured for all parties involved.

By establishing and upholding this policy, we commit to cultivating a team environment that embraces kindness, respect, and inclusivity for the benefit of all members, especially Ryan and Paul. Together, we can create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and can thrive.