This is the stem (1 point) What is the sum of the interior angles of a regular 12 sided polygon ?degrees What is the measure of 1 interior angle of a regular 12 sided polygon ? degrees What is the measure of 1 exterior angle of a regular 12 sided polygon ? degrees

The sum of the interior angles of any polygon can be found using the formula: (n-2) * 180, where n is the number of sides. So for a regular 12-sided polygon, the sum of the interior angles is (12-2) * 180 = 1800 degrees.

To find the measure of one interior angle of a regular polygon, we divide the sum of the interior angles by the number of sides. So for a regular 12-sided polygon, each interior angle measures 1800/12 = 150 degrees.

The measure of one exterior angle of a regular polygon can be found by subtracting the measure of one interior angle from 180 degrees. So for a regular 12-sided polygon, each exterior angle measures 180 - 150 = 30 degrees.