In Truth's speech she argues that both African Americans and women should strive for justice and both be equal. When Truth gave her speech, she challenged the prevailing notions of society that women are weak and inferior, asserting that they too are capable of achieving great things and should not be denied their rights and opportunities. As Truth gave her speech without any notes or preps is a testament to her passion, conviction and personal experiences as an African American woman. It reflects her deep understanding and personal experience. One issue of today that would have my unrehearsed speech full force would be every human is equal and that you can make your life a brighter place by stepping out to help those in need and not one of us is better than the other. Some fall but we as people can pick them up if the world could be more about one another and helping vs what one gets out of doing negative things to make themselves look or feel better. Be positive and treat others as you would want to be treated. Ask yourself "would I like to be treated like this" and you answer no, then stop right there. ONE can change another, so let's start with one to make us a better ALL.

This unrehearsed speech reflects the importance of equality and compassion in today's society. It emphasizes the need for individuals to treat others with respect and kindness, highlighting the power of positive actions and the potential for individuals to make a significant impact. By advocating for the idea that every human is equal and encouraging individuals to help those in need, it echoes Truth's message of striving for justice and equality for all. This speech reminds us that we have the power to make a difference and create a brighter world by treating others as we would like to be treated and working together to uplift those who are in need. It calls upon individuals to question their actions and consider the impact they have on others, urging them to change for the betterment of society as a whole.