write a poem about the effects of social media

In a realm where hearts connect through glowing screens,

A digital landscape that holds countless dreams.
Where virtual worlds blur with reality's prime,
An online universe that consumes our time.

Social media, a captivating domain,
Voices amplified, opinions sometimes arcane.
A platform where friendships are easily made,
But also a place where souls can start to fade.

We scroll through feeds, seeking validation's grace,
Likes and follows, a need we can't erase.
The thirst for popularity, a constant strife,
As we measure our worth by numbers in rife.

Comparison thrives, lurking in every post,
The pressure to conform, to be seen as the most.
We filter our lives, crafting the perfect frame,
Chasing an image, a mirage of acclaim.

Yet amidst this chaos, a dire consequence unfolds,
For behind the screens, authenticity erodes.
Social media builds a wall between hearts,
As real connections crumble, fragments fall apart.

We trade genuine smiles for emojis and likes,
Forgetting the magic of face-to-face hikes.
The beauty of eye contact and heartfelt conversations,
Lost in a world of superficial sensations.

But let us not condemn, for there's good to be found,
Social media can build bridges, break barriers down.
It sparks revolutions, voices raised in unity,
A platform for change, a voice of serenity.

So let us wield these tools with wisdom and care,
To bring light and inspire, our love we'll declare.
Let's remember the souls that reside behind the screen,
Embrace empathy, and build a world more serene.

For in this digital age, we're not alone,
The effects of social media can make hearts prone.
But if we navigate these virtual tides with grace,
We'll find the balance, where true connections embrace.