How has globalization increased opportunities for human trafficking?(1 point)


Increasingly interconnected police forces have a difficult time detecting human trafficking.
Increasingly interconnected police forces have a difficult time detecting human trafficking.

Transnational organizations, such as the United Nations, hamper efforts to combat human trafficking.
Transnational organizations, such as the United Nations, hamper efforts to combat human trafficking.

Increasingly interconnected transportation infrastructure allows cheap and quick movement of people between countries.
Increasingly interconnected transportation infrastructure allows cheap and quick movement of people between countries.

NGOs operate as covers for human trafficking.
NGOs operate as covers for human trafficking.

Globalization has increased opportunities for human trafficking primarily through the increasingly interconnected transportation infrastructure that allows for cheap and quick movement of people between countries. This makes it easier for traffickers to transport victims across borders without detection. Additionally, the interconnectedness of police forces can also pose a challenge in detecting human trafficking, as it can be difficult to effectively coordinate efforts across multiple jurisdictions. Transnational organizations, such as the United Nations, may also hamper efforts to combat human trafficking due to issues related to jurisdiction and differing legal frameworks. Finally, there are instances where non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may be used as covers for human trafficking activities, exploiting their legitimacy and resources for criminal purposes.