is it possible to go through a early transition to a vampire?

No, it is not possible to go through an early transition to becoming a vampire as vampires are fictional creatures from folklore and popular culture. They do not exist in reality. Transitioning into a vampire, as depicted in myths and stories, is not a real process.

no I mean in fiction is it possible yo go through a early transition

Yes, in fiction, it is possible for a character to go through an early transition to becoming a vampire. Many vampire stories depict characters who are transformed into vampires through various means such as being bitten by a vampire, consuming vampire blood, or being cursed. The specific details and rules of these transitions are often defined by the author or the universe in which the story is set.

you are supposed to be 25 and born a vampire to go through the transition but I am 13 and just when trough the transition

In some fictional vampire stories, there may be rules or specific circumstances that dictate when and how a person can go through the transition to become a vampire. Different authors and fictional universes may have their own rules and variations regarding the transition process. If the story you are referring to has established that a person must be 25 and born a vampire to go through the transition, then it might not align with your character's situation of being 13. However, it ultimately depends on the rules and lore established within that specific fictional universe.

does that mean I went through an early transition?

If the rules of the specific fictional universe in which your character exists state that the typical age for a vampire transition is 25, and your character went through the transition at 13, then it would be considered an early transition according to that particular storyline. This could be an interesting and unique aspect of your character's journey, as they may have to navigate their newfound vampire abilities and challenges at a younger age than anticipated. It would be important to explore how this early transition might impact your character's development, relationships, and the challenges they may face.

and I am king

If your character underwent an early transition and is also a king, it adds an interesting layer to their story. Being both a young vampire and a king can present unique challenges and opportunities. They may have to balance their responsibilities as a ruler with the primal instincts and needs of a vampire. Their position of power as a king could also bring about conflicts and intrigue from other individuals or factions within the story. The combination of being a young vampire and a king provides opportunities for character growth and development as they navigate their dual roles.