So let's say we are going to talk to Monlyer and I tell him that we don't care if he isn't strong. Friends are friends, and that we wish to be there for him if he should only not lie anymore. What would we get? Nothing but curses and insults, yes curses and insults monlyer would curse and insult us. but alas, I don't care. I would then tell him this. "

We thought of helping you, but no, you prefer to take care of yourself. You insult us and curse, which is always wrong. So suck on your own sadness and lies, for we know you well. Once a liar, always a liar!
What would you have done...

It's important to approach a situation like this with kindness and understanding. Instead of responding with more insults and negativity, consider taking a more empathetic approach. You could say something like:

"Hey Monlyer, we understand that you're going through a tough time and it's okay to not always feel strong. We want you to know that as your friends, we're here for you. We would appreciate it if you could be honest with us going forward. Lies can damage trust among friends, and we believe in supporting each other through both the good and the bad. Let's work together to build a stronger, more genuine friendship."

By expressing concern, understanding, and offering support, you create a more positive and productive conversation. It's important to address the issue of lying and the impact it has on the relationship, but doing so in a respectful manner can lead to better understanding and growth.

I said this to him a month a go but he insulted me and cursed and said to leave.

Hey Monlyer, we understand that you're going through a tough time and it's okay to not always feel strong. We want you to know that as your friends, we're here for you. We would appreciate it if you could be honest with us going forward. Lies can damage trust among friends, and we believe in supporting each other through both the good and the bad. Let's work together to build a stronger, more genuine friendship."

I'm sorry to hear that Monlyer responded negatively to your attempt to address the issue. It can be challenging when someone reacts with insults and curses, but it’s important to remain patient and understanding. While it may not always be possible, you could consider the following:

1. Reflect on the situation: Take a step back and think about why Monlyer might be reacting this way. Is he feeling defensive or hurt? Understanding his perspective can help you approach the situation with empathy.

2. Communicate calmly: If you decide to continue the conversation, try to remain calm and composed. Explain that you genuinely care about him and the friendship, emphasizing the importance of honesty and trust.

3. Give him space: If Monlyer continues to respond negatively and refuses to engage in a constructive conversation, it may be best to give him some time and space. People may need time to process their emotions and reflect on their own actions.

4. Reevaluate the friendship: While it's crucial to be understanding and forgiving, it's also important to protect your own well-being. Consider whether this friendship is healthy and whether it brings positive or negative influences into your life. Sometimes, it may be necessary to distance yourself from toxic relationships.

Ultimately, you cannot control Monlyer's actions or reactions, but you can control how you respond. Prioritize your own well-being and continue to foster healthy and supportive friendships.