total marked whales 19 total whales counted total marked 86 whales counted 17 what is the best estimate for the population of whales

To estimate the population of whales, we can use a proportion. Let's assume that the proportion of marked whales to total counted whales is the same as the proportion of marked whales to the total population of whales.

Proportion of marked whales to counted whales: 19 marked / 86 counted = 0.221

Let's assume the total population of whales is "P."

Proportion of marked whales to total population: 19 marked / P = 0.221

To find the best estimate for the population of whales, we can solve for P:

19/P = 0.221

P = 19 / 0.221

P ≈ 85.97

Therefore, the best estimate for the population of whales is approximately 86.