Valeria is weighing blue and red beads. All beads together weigh 1,445 ounces. The blue beads weigh 1.41 ounces. How much do the red beads weigh? Enter your response as a decimal

z = ounces

Let's assume the weight of the red beads is represented by z.

Therefore, the weight of the blue beads is 1.41 ounces.

The weight of all beads together is 1,445 ounces, so we can set up the equation:

z + 1.41 = 1,445

Subtracting 1.41 from both sides, we have:

z = 1,445 - 1.41
z = 1,443.59

Therefore, the red beads weigh 1,443.59 ounces.


I apologize for the mistake. Let me correct it.

If the weight of the blue beads is 1.41 ounces, and the total weight of all the beads is 1,445 ounces, we can set up the equation:

1.41 + z = 1,445

Subtracting 1.41 from both sides, we have:

z = 1,445 - 1.41
z = 1,443.59

Therefore, the red beads weigh 1,443.59 ounces.