The table below shows the height (in inches) and weight (in pounds) of eight basketball players.



















About how many pounds would you expect a basketball player to weigh if his height is 84 inches? Find a line of best fit for this data and use it to make your prediction.

To find a line of best fit for the data and make a prediction, we can use linear regression.

Step 1: Calculate the mean height and weight.
Mean height = (67 + 69 + 70 + 72 + 74 + 74 + 78 + 79) / 8 = 72.125 inches
Mean weight = (183 + 201 + 206 + 220 + 226 + 240 + 253 + 255) / 8 = 221.5 pounds

Step 2: Calculate the deviations from the mean for both height and weight.
Deviation from mean height = Height - Mean height
Deviation from mean weight = Weight - Mean weight

Height Deviation from Mean Height Weight Deviation from Mean Weight
67 -5.125 183 -38.5
69 -3.125 201 -20.5
70 -2.125 206 -15.5
72 -0.125 220 -1.5
74 1.875 226 4.5
74 1.875 240 18.5
78 5.875 253 31.5
79 6.875 255 33.5

Step 3: Calculate the product of the deviations from the mean for both height and weight.
Product of deviations = Deviation from Mean Height * Deviation from Mean Weight

Height Deviation from Mean Height Weight Deviation from Mean Weight Product of Deviations
67 -5.125 183 -38.5 197.3125
69 -3.125 201 -20.5 64.0625
70 -2.125 206 -15.5 32.8125
72 -0.125 220 -1.5 0.1875
74 1.875 226 4.5 8.4375
74 1.875 240 18.5 34.6875
78 5.875 253 31.5 184.6875
79 6.875 255 33.5 230.9375

Step 4: Calculate the squared deviations from the mean for height.
Squared deviation for height = (Deviation from Mean Height)^2

Height Deviation from Mean Height Squared Deviation for Height
67 -5.125 26.265625
69 -3.125 9.765625
70 -2.125 4.515625
72 -0.125 0.015625
74 1.875 3.515625
74 1.875 3.515625
78 5.875 34.515625
79 6.875 47.265625

Step 5: Calculate the sum of the squared deviations for height.
Sum of squared deviations for height = Σ(Squared deviation for height)

Sum of squared deviations for height = 26.265625 + 9.765625 + 4.515625 + 0.015625 + 3.515625 + 3.515625 + 34.515625 + 47.265625
= 129.375

Step 6: Calculate the product of deviations from the mean for height and weight.
Sum of product of deviations = Σ(Product of deviations)

Sum of product of deviations = 197.3125 + 64.0625 + 32.8125 + 0.1875 + 8.4375 + 34.6875 + 184.6875 + 230.9375
= 753.125

Step 7: Calculate the slope of the line of best fit.
Slope = Sum of product of deviations / Sum of squared deviations for height

Slope = 753.125 / 129.375
= 5.825

Step 8: Calculate the y-intercept of the line of best fit.
y-intercept = Mean weight - (Slope * Mean height)

y-intercept = 221.5 - (5.825 * 72.125)
= 221.5 - 419.90625
= -198.40625

Step 9: Write the equation of the line of best fit.
y = mx + b
Weight = (Slope * Height) + y-intercept
Weight = 5.825 * Height - 198.40625

Step 10: Use the equation to make a prediction for a height of 84 inches.
Weight = 5.825 * 84 - 198.40625
Weight = 489.3 - 198.40625
Weight = 290.89375

Therefore, we would expect a basketball player with a height of 84 inches to weigh approximately 291 pounds.