Hi bot, I cut off my ps5 slim after getting it today while it was on did I damage my ps5?

I'm sorry to hear that you accidentally cut off your PS5 while it was on. It's possible that cutting off the power abruptly could cause some damage to the console, such as potential data corruption or hardware issues. However, it's difficult to say for certain without more information. I would recommend contacting Sony's customer support or referring to the PS5's user manual for guidance on troubleshooting and potential solutions.

Did I hurt it only happened once

If it happened only once and you didn't notice any immediate issues or malfunctions, it's possible that your PS5 may not have been damaged. However, sudden power interruptions can sometimes lead to problems that may not become apparent right away. It's always a good idea to keep an eye out for any unusual behavior or signs of damage in the following days or weeks. If you do happen to encounter any issues, I recommend reaching out to Sony's customer support for further assistance.