Agriculture uses over

50% of the available
global fresh water
supply. More efficient
irrigation methods are
being developed, but
some parts of the world
are already severely
short of water and are
using underground water
supplies faster than they
can be replenished.
Make sure you have recorded all of your thinking, including ways that your fact or quote can show off what you know about the geography topics we have been studying (Urbanization, Industrialization and Globalization are all types of significant changes that have affected places around the world and connect to what we are learning about Earth’s population. )

The fact that agriculture uses over 50% of the available global fresh water supply connects to the topics we have been studying, such as urbanization, industrialization, and globalization.

1. Urbanization: As more and more people move to urban areas, the demand for food increases. This leads to an increase in agricultural activities, which require a significant amount of water. The fact that agriculture uses over 50% of the fresh water supply shows the impact of urbanization on water resources and the need for efficient irrigation methods to meet the demand.

2. Industrialization: With industrialization, there is a shift from traditional agricultural practices to more mechanized and intensive methods. These methods often require increased water usage to support high-yield crop production or livestock farming. The fact that some parts of the world are already severely short of water due to agriculture highlights the consequences of industrialization on water availability and the need for sustainable practices.

3. Globalization: Globalization has facilitated the expansion of agricultural activities to meet the growing demand for food across the globe. This has led to the exploitation of water resources in areas that are already experiencing water scarcity. The fact that underground water supplies are being used faster than they can be replenished indicates the unsustainable practices associated with globalization and the need for improved water management strategies.

In summary, the fact that agriculture uses over 50% of the global fresh water supply reflects the impact of urbanization, industrialization, and globalization on water resources. It emphasizes the need for more efficient irrigation methods and sustainable agricultural practices to ensure water availability for the growing global population.