A swimming club can currently accommodate up to 100 members for a year-long training program. They plan to increase their pool capacity to accommodate up to an additional 75 members into the program every year. To make a profit, the club must have at least 50 members enrolled in the program. The club manager expects the minimum membership requirement for making a profit to increase by 20% every year.

The manager modeled this situation with a system of inequalities, where x is time from today, in years, and y is the number of members. She graphed the system to show the solution region when the club is making a profit.

An inequalities graph shows Time in years on the X-axis and the Number of Members on the Y-axis. A line drawn from (0, 100) to (20, 1600), and another curve drawn from (0, 50) to (10, 300), (16, 900), (18, 1300), and (20, 1900) intersect at

What system of inequalities did the manager create?





The correct system of inequalities that the manager created is B. {(y<=75x+100),(y>=50(1.20)^(x)):}.