Odyssey, Part 3

Penelope proposes the archery contest as a way to

determine her future husband. In Odysseus's absence, many suitors have invaded their home, consuming their resources and vying for Penelope's hand in marriage. However, Penelope remains faithful to Odysseus and seeks a way to weed out the unworthy suitors.

The archery contest serves as a test of skill and bravery, qualities that Penelope believes only Odysseus possesses. She announces that whoever can string Odysseus's bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe heads lined up in a row will win her hand.

This proposal sparks excitement among the suitors, who see it as an opportunity to prove themselves. However, Penelope secretly knows that only Odysseus can achieve this feat, as the bow was custom-made for him and requires exceptional strength to wield.

Word of the archery contest spreads throughout the land, attracting suitors from far and wide. The day of the contest arrives, and a crowd gathers to witness the spectacle. Among them are Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, and his loyal swineherd, Eumaeus.

The suitors take their turn, one by one, attempting to string the bow and shoot the arrow. One by one, they fail miserably, struggling to even lift the bow, let alone string it. Their frustration grows as their lack of skill becomes apparent to all.

Finally, it is Odysseus's turn. With a calm and confident demeanor, he approaches the bow and effortlessly strings it. The suitors mockingly cheer him on, unaware of his true identity.

As Odysseus takes aim, a hush falls over the crowd. The arrow swiftly flies through the twelve axe heads, splitting them cleanly in half. The suitors are in disbelief, their arrogance shattered.

Recognizing Odysseus's true identity, Eumaeus rushes to his side, embracing his long-lost master. The suitors, realizing their days are numbered, begin to tremble in fear.

Penelope, overcome with joy and relief, rushes to Odysseus's side. The archery contest has not only revealed the true hero among them but also signaled the return of her beloved husband.

In this climactic moment, Penelope's proposal has achieved its purpose. The archery contest has separated the wheat from the chaff, proving Odysseus's worthiness and bringing an end to the suitors' reign in his home. Through this contest, Penelope has not only protected her virtue but also ensured the return of her true love, Odysseus.