Mark and Matthew signed up to walk in a 5K run/walk race they predict it will take them 60 minutes to complete the race market Matthew finished the race and 53 minutes what is the percent error round to the nearest 10th

To calculate the percent error, we can use the formula:

Percent Error = (|Measured Value - Predicted Value| / Predicted Value) x 100%

Substituting the given values:

Predicted Value = 60 minutes
Measured Value = 53 minutes

Percent Error = (|53 - 60| / 60) x 100%
Percent Error = (|-7| / 60) x 100%
Percent Error = (7 / 60) x 100%
Percent Error ≈ 0.1167 x 100%
Percent Error ≈ 11.67%

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the percent error is 11.7%.