The distance of a train travels varies directly with the amount of time t that has elapsed since departure. If the train travels 475 miles in 9.5 hours, how many miles did the train travel after 4 hours

To solve this problem, we can use the fact that the distance traveled varies directly with the time elapsed since departure. This means that we can set up a proportion to find the answer.

Let's let d be the distance traveled after 4 hours. We can set up the proportion:

distance / time = distance / time

475 miles / 9.5 hours = d miles / 4 hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

9.5 * d = 475 * 4

Dividing both sides by 9.5, we find:

d = (475 * 4) / 9.5

Simplifying this expression, we get:

d ≈ 200 miles

Therefore, the train traveled approximately 200 miles after 4 hours.