Initiate the calculation.

(2 * 10⁵) * (3.2 * 10%) = ____________ * 10^_________ₐ) 6.4, 5
b) 6.4, 6
c) 64, 6
d) 64, 5

To calculate the given expression:

(2 * 10⁵) * (3.2 * 10%)

We can start by simplifying the expression in the brackets:

3.2 * 10% = 3.2 * 0.1 = 0.32

Now we can multiply:

(2 * 10⁵) * 0.32 = 6.4 * 10⁵ = 64 * 10⁴ = 64 * 10⁵

So the answer is:

64, 5

Therefore, the correct option is d) 64, 5