Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

どようび __________ えいがを みます。
(2 points)

are you sure

I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is に.

とうきょうは どんなところですか。This question is asking.

(2 points)

where Tokyo is.
where Tokyo is.

what kind of place Tokyo is.
what kind of place Tokyo is.

when you are going to Tokyo.
when you are going to Tokyo.

what you do in Tokyo.

what kind of place Tokyo is.

どこで くすりを かいますか。This question is asking.

(2 points)

why you buy medicine.
why you buy medicine.

who will buy medicine.
who will buy medicine.

when you buy medicine.
when you buy medicine.

where you buy medicine.

where you buy medicine.

だれと れすとらんに いきますか。This question is asking.

(2 points)

what goes to a restaurant.
what goes to a restaurant.

with whom you go to a restaurant.
with whom you go to a restaurant.

when you go to a restaurant.
when you go to a restaurant.

what time you go to a restaurant.

with whom you go to a restaurant.