Why do geographers need to analyze both maps and tables to synthesize ideas about spatial distribution of people?(1 point)Responses To comprehend how people have constructed communities within specific areasto comprehend how people have constructed communities within specific areasto prove the factual accuracy of the data about where people live and whyto prove the factual accuracy of the data about where people live and whyto understand when people choose to move from one location to another to understand when people choose to move from one location to anotherto combine ideas about where people live using raw data and visual depictions of information

Geographers need to analyze both maps and tables to synthesize ideas about spatial distribution of people mainly to combine ideas about where people live using raw data and visual depictions of information.

Maps provide a visual representation of the spatial distribution of people, allowing geographers to visually analyze patterns and trends. They can see clusters, concentrations, and patterns of settlement, as well as the proximity of different communities to each other and to various geographic features.

On the other hand, tables provide raw data in a systematic and organized manner that allows geographers to analyze and compare specific variables. Tables often contain numerical data such as population densities, demographic information, economic indicators, or social characteristics. By examining and comparing data in tables, geographers can identify correlations, disparities, or trends related to the spatial distribution of people.

By analyzing both maps and tables, geographers can integrate visual and numerical information, gaining a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the spatial distribution of people. This combination helps them comprehend how people have constructed communities within specific areas, understand the reasons why people live in certain locations, and even identify factors that influence human migration patterns.