Points​ E, D, and H are the midpoints of the sides of TUV. UV=112​, TV=140​, and HD=112. Find HE.

To find HE, we can use the midpoint formula. Since E is the midpoint of TV, the length of EV is half the length of TV.

EV = TV/2 = 140/2 = 70

Similarly, since D is the midpoint of UV, the length of DU is half the length of UV.

DU = UV/2 = 112/2 = 56

Now, since H is the midpoint of TU, the length of HT is half the length of TU.

HT = TU/2 = (TV + UV)/2 = (140 + 112)/2 = 252/2 = 126

Finally, to find HE, we subtract the length of EV from HT.

HE = HT - EV = 126 - 70 = 56

So, HE equals 56.