What is the sum of the fractions? 12/31 + 13/31(1 point) Responses 24/62 Start Fraction 24 over 62 End Fraction 25/62 Start Fraction 25 over 62 End Fraction 25/31 Start Fraction 25 over 31 End Fraction 31/25

The sum of the fractions 12/31 and 13/31 is 25/31.

hat is the sum of the fractions in simplest form? 9/20 + 7/20(1 point) Responses 16/40 Start Fraction 16 over 40 End Fraction 4/10 Start Fraction 4 over 10 End Fraction 16/20 Start Fraction 16 over 20 End Fraction 45

The sum of the fractions 9/20 and 7/20 in simplest form is 16/20, which can be simplified further to 4/5. Therefore, the correct response is Start Fraction 4 over 10 End Fraction.

What is the missing denominator in the addition sentence? 15/28 + 9? (1 point) Responses 24 24 28 28 15 15 9

The missing denominator in the addition sentence 15/28 + 9? is 28. Therefore, the correct response is 28.

Which of the following numbers can replace the missing numerator to make the addition sentence true? 32/57 + ?/57 = 54/57(1 point) Responses 57 57 86 86 22 22 32

The missing numerator to make the addition sentence 32/57 + ?/57 = 54/57 true is 22. Therefore, the correct response is 22.