A toaster is listed as 900 W. When it is plugged into a 120 V circuit and starts to make toast, how many amperes will it draw

To find the amperage, we can use Ohm's Law, which states that the current (I) flowing through a circuit is equal to the voltage (V) divided by the resistance (R). In this case, the resistance can be calculated using the power (P) and voltage (V) of the toaster.

The formula to calculate resistance is:

R = V^2 / P

Where V is the voltage (120 V) and P is the power (900 W).

R = (120 V)^2 / 900 W
R = 14,400 V^2 / 900 W
R = 16 Ω

Now that we have the resistance, we can find the current (I) using Ohm's Law. The formula to calculate current is:

I = V / R

I = 120 V / 16 Ω
I ≈ 7.5 A

Therefore, the toaster will draw approximately 7.5 amperes when plugged into a 120 V circuit.