Use the sentence to answer the question. "Dance is a great form of exercise for everyone." In 5 to 6 sentences, write an opposing claim and suggest some ideas you might use to counter that opposing claim In a short answer

write it in a different way

Some people may argue that dance is not a great form of exercise for everyone, as it may not suit individuals with certain physical limitations or injuries. However, it is important to consider the countless variations and styles of dance that can be adapted to accommodate different abilities and needs. For those with physical limitations, low-impact styles such as ballroom or line dancing can provide a gentler workout while still promoting cardiovascular health and flexibility. Additionally, dance can be modified to be done seated or with the assistance of props, allowing individuals with mobility challenges to engage in the activity. Moreover, dance offers numerous mental and emotional benefits, such as stress reduction and increased self-expression, which contribute to overall well-being. Finally, an individualized approach to dance, considering specific needs and goals, can ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of this form of exercise, regardless of their physical limitations.