Compare Linear Function 1 with Linear Function 2. Which one has the greater rate of change? Choose 1 for Linear Function 1; choose 2 for Linear Function 2

• Linear Function 1: y = 2 + 8
• Linear Function 2:

Points in graph

To determine the rate of change for each linear function, we can use the formula:

Rate of change = (change in y) / (change in x)

For Linear Function 1:
The change in y is 8 (since there is no change in y) and the change in x is 0 (since there is no change in x).

Rate of change for Linear Function 1 = 8/0 is undefined.

For Linear Function 2:
The change in y is 6 - 10 = -4, and the change in x is 2 - 4 = -2.

Rate of change for Linear Function 2 = (-4)/(-2) = 2.

Therefore, the greater rate of change is Linear Function 2, so the answer is 2.