In your own words, explain whether the Age of Jackson was positive or negative for equality in America and why. (4-6 complete sentences, use supporting details)

The Age of Jackson had both positive and negative aspects in terms of equality in America. On one hand, Jacksonian democracy expanded political participation by providing greater eligibility for white males to vote, which was seen as a step towards greater equality. The removal of property ownership and tax payment requirements for voting allowed more working-class individuals to exercise their political rights. Jackson's presidency also championed the idea of a government that serves the interests of the common man, promoting a more egalitarian society.

However, Jackson's policies, particularly regarding Native American removal, revealed a darker side. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 forcibly relocated thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in immense suffering and loss of life on the Trail of Tears. Such actions highlighted the government's disregard for the rights and equality of Native Americans, perpetuating a long-standing pattern of discrimination and marginalization.

Additionally, the Age of Jackson did not address the longstanding issue of equal rights for women and African Americans. Women continued to be denied the right to vote and faced limited opportunities for education and employment. African Americans, both free and enslaved, were excluded from political participation and subjected to brutal systems of slavery and racial discrimination.

In conclusion, while the Age of Jackson displayed some positive aspects in terms of expanding political participation and promoting the interests of the common man, it also perpetuated inequality and discrimination, particularly against Native Americans, women, and African Americans. Therefore, the overall impact on equality in America during this era was mixed.