Slove 5/8(r-1/2)=10 what number should both side br divided by

To solve the equation 5/8(r-1/2) = 10, we can simplify the left side of the equation first.

Firstly, we can distribute the 5/8 to both terms inside the parentheses:

5/8 * r - 5/8 * 1/2 = 10

This simplifies to:

5r/8 - 5/16 = 10

To isolate the variable r, we need to get rid of the fraction on the left side of the equation. One way to do this is by multiplying every term in the equation by the reciprocal of the fraction, which in this case is 16/5.

(16/5)(5r/8) - (16/5)(5/16) = (16/5)(10)

The fractions on the left side cancel out, leaving us with:

16r/8 - 1 = 32/5

Simplifying further:

2r - 1 = 32/5

To isolate the variable r, we can add 1 to both sides of the equation:

2r - 1 + 1 = 32/5 + 1

This simplifies to:

2r = 32/5 + 5/5

2r = 37/5

Finally, to solve for r, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

(2r)/2 = (37/5)/2

r = 37/10

Therefore, the number that both sides of the equation should be divided by is 2.