Explaining a source's information in your own words helps your audience to understand your topic because it allows you to break down complex concepts and ideas into simpler terms that are easier to grasp. Additionally, using your own words shows your audience that you have understood the information and can effectively communicate it.

By paraphrasing the source's information, you can remove any jargon or technical language that might confuse your audience. This helps to make the topic more relatable and accessible to a wider range of people. It also allows you to add your own perspective or examples, which can further enhance understanding.

Furthermore, explaining the source's information in your own words demonstrates your knowledge and expertise on the topic. It shows that you have taken the time to fully comprehend the information and can now present it in a clear and coherent manner. This helps to establish credibility with your audience and build trust in your abilities as a communicator.

Overall, when you explain a source's information in your own words, you are able to simplify complex ideas, enhance understanding, add personal perspective, and demonstrate your expertise. This ultimately helps your audience to grasp the topic more easily and enhances your credibility as a speaker or writer.